Kaleidoscopic Whispers previews, free Dungeon23 Resources Vault, and frosty December OSR & NSR new releases in this month’s SketchyVanRPG newsletter!
Important SketchyVanRPG News:
- We have a new website: sketchyvanrpg.com
- We are working on an adventure module for Cairn RPG called Kaleidoscopic Whispers which should be out early in 2024. We just finished the Celestial Observatory tower maps this week. Follow along with our development here!

Free Resources:
- Last year in December we compiled a large vault of megadungeon resources for folks interested in #Dungeon23 (a “room-a-day” writing exercise) which is available on our website. Go check it out!

New December Release Recommendations!
- Convert’s Asunder: a one-shot pamphlet adventure for Mothership 1e by Bammax Gaming – https://bammax.itch.io/converts-asunder
- We Deal In Lead: Omega City Ashcan Edition: A preview ashcan zine for ByOdinsBeard’s weird west setting for We Deal in Lead (a rules light gunslinger ttrpg based on Cairn) – https://byodinsbeardrpg.itch.io/we-deal-in-lead-omega-city
- Greenhorns Quickstart: A very unique NSR game based on Together We Go and Mothership where you play character granted the ability to create whole planets. The playtest is free, check it out at https://spicytunarpg.itch.io/greenhorns-quickstart